Monday, February 4, 2013

More On - Dark Under Eye Circles & Puffiness Making You Look Tired & Older Than You Are?

One of the suggested causes of dark under eye circles addresses the leaking of blood written by tiny blood vessels inside of the skin rupturing and showing usually in the thin skin as bruising, giving the appearance about a dark blue or purple colouring regarding the under eye area.

There are other causes to be discussed but at this period let us develop this vein further and talk about what can be done to try and alleviate the issue.

What for instance will we do to decrease the look off what seems to be slight bruising of the skin under the eyes and in some cases even to repair the leaking blood that are causing the trouble.

It is known that bleeding under the skin in elderly people a consequence of vitamin deficiencies; you often see those black/blue areas just beneath the thin areas of that skin. Skin does become a new thinner of course with each passing year. It is known that other problems to do with "bleeding" can be running short on vitamin deficiency. When reading studies from your these matters there is often a pointer that shows one common denominator and that addresses the Vitamin K. It is even proven in some studies that the failing liver can convert Vitamin G into compounds/substances that can promote clotting of blood nor coagulation.

So how creates this change link to the exasperating of dark circles beneath eyes?

Well if we do not forget that Vitamin K can solve bleeding inside of the skin in the elderly together with problems too in respect of excessive bleeding can be resolved by a rise in the intake of Vitamin and mineral K, can it be likely that it assists with the leaking problematic veins under the eye that creates the dark blue, yellow appearance?

We even know that Vitamin K can deal with coagulation, blood clotting and so perhaps maybe get a reason for us to secure careful consideration to Vitamin K as an easy way of solving this dangerous and embarrassing problem.

We know other vitamins including vitamins A, C & E has long been supportive in any happinesslifetime. com skin care regime but how then do across the world Vitamin K?

Well it is known that it is used for many green vegetables predominantly cabbage, lettuce, brussels seed, broccoli and kale. Perhaps therefore it may be worth considering as an easy way of reducing those dark circles under and around the eyes.

One word data warning though, if you practice anti-coagulant drugs you should avoid an intake of past the boundary Vitamin K as is a coagulant.

There appear to be happinesslifetime. com eye creams that contain Vitamin K and that ultimately some cosmetics containing the Vitamin K are useful to reduce bruising of smooth against and discolouration following laser skin treatment.

Worth a try is it?

Brian Potter means that we can with anti aging skin care problems including bags lower eyes, puffy eyes and ways to remove dark circles base eyes. Visit www. takingcareofskin. net www. takingcareofskin. com to Download an absolutely free eBook when you join a free newsletter packed full out of all the latest information you'll desire for a more Youthful, Fitter Looking Skin.

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